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Distance Energy

Distance Energy Session Information

As a guide here is some information about distance energy sessions, if something is not clear or you have any questions just ask.


How it will work

We keep this nice and simple

The sessions are done fully remotely (without connecting by phone or zoom).


You will either

  • have a guided Audio to listen to for the duration of session, or

  • be relaxing quietly, in which case it’s OK to have background music playing

(or in some cases people have even been asleep)

During the session there is nothing for you to do other than simply relax and allow the energy to flow through you.

There is no need to do any special breathing or meditation, in fact these can be unhelpful as your awareness is actively engaged in another process.


Session Duration:

30 minutes

It’s a good idea to allow yourself a little extra time quite time afterward so you can gently return to your day


Key points for the session are

  • to avoid having any alcohol or non-prescription drugs in the body

  • and not be watching TV, using computer, or doing stimulating activity during the session, as it interferes with the connection


To prepare prior to the session

  1. Simply go to your Resources webpage to access the audio file to play as the accompaniment during the distance energy session.
    It will gently guide you through a relaxation process and provide background music for the duration of our session
    Your Resources Page access details will be sent out just before your program or session start date (so please ensure I have your email address).
    [Note: should there be a technical glitch that results in you not being unable to access the recording on the day, simply settle in and relax – it’s OK we’ll still be doing the distance energy work]

  2. Find somewhere comfortable and quiet to sit or lie down for the session, where you won’t be disturbed

  3. Feel free to have a cuppa or cold drink with you

  4. Remember to put your phone on to ‘do not disturb/silent mode’, so you won’t be interrupted

Note: If you have any questions please submit early as I’ll be uncontactable for about 1 hour before your session.


Next day check-in

This is a short check-in email or conversation to see how you are and answer any questions.

We tend not to have a conversation straight after the session as it’s good for you to be able to simply relax and take your time afterwards. Also, the following day gives a better opportunity to see how things are integrating.

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